What's in a Name?

RGIS is an acronym for Retail Grocery Inventory Services. Early success allowed us to scale our business model and rapidly expand into other sectors.
Decades later we have far outgrown our name. RGIS now performs more than 160,000 inventories globally per year for companies of all types and sizes.

Inventory Management Pioneers: RGIS

Thomas J. Nicholson founded RGIS in 1958 to offer grocery stores an accurate and economical alternative to in-house inventories.
Within a few years, the business expanded beyond the Midwest and started conducting counts across the United States and around the world.

Servicing 53 Countries with Innovative Inventory Solutions

With over 3,500 global customers and more than 160,000 inventories completed around the world, we have the resources in the right place to reliably and efficiently complete any project.