How It Works

We understand the importance of having the right merchandise in the right location. Macrospace Surveys provide reliable quality data allowing insight into your selling space. This includes validation of planogram compliance and data support for projects such as building work or the updating of merchandise floor plans. This solution reports on placement, linear footage and locations of planograms, plus it also provides the data used for analysis of planogram performance to help improve store productivity.

Store planning

Prepare for implementing a store planning software package

Floor plans

Provide data for building work or updating merchandise floor plans

Selling space

Understand your planogram capacity and selling space

Planogram performance

Support planogram performance analysis with accurate data


Validate planogram store compliance


Proven objective methodology and process for determining planograms

  • Over 64 years of retail industry experience
  • Dedicated and professional project management
  • Expert guidance throughout the process
  • Ongoing strong relationships with software companies
  • Robust Q&A process to identify any issues you may have

Want to learn more? CONTACT US to schedule a no-obligation meeting and site visit.